Monday, March 17, 2008

A new season of my life unfolds...

Well I wrote this last night, but I desided to put on her to!

Wow, God has blessed me....beyond words. He has giving me the most amazing group of friends I could ever dream of. For the first time in a long time....I feel like I belong. I know seasons come and go, but I’m just loving this season! My life has been sooo hard these past couple of weeks its amazing to just get away from it and bask in the glory of the Lord. I’m just happy. Plan and simple. I’m really happy. Its pretty cool!

I can’t even express just the peace I have. Sure things are not that peachy, but really it’s ok. My health is acting up and my family issues are getting to me again, but wow God is showing me sooo much. I just need to keep my eyes on him and everything falls into place and is good. It’s like this song I am listing to. It makes me cry, not a bad cry, but a cry of ’Wow God, how can you be so good to me?!’

Rain or shine, things are good. Kinda like Oregon. hehe, I love this state. Rain or shine, it shows God’s creativity. He is the most amazing artist I could even dream of. Just to sit and watch his work play out is breathtaking. Like the other day, it was all stormy and yucky outside, but the sky was a beautiful shade of purple. I can’t even describe it. It was God reminding me of his love and that he can bring beauty in anything! I am stocked for this summer. I can’t wait to go hiking, go to the beach, road trips and for my other best friend to come home......HANNAH!!! lol

The Lord has been showing me this year how to be single and content. I can’t express it, but I love my single life. I can’t wait to get married and do couple things but I’m not ready just yet. There is a season for everything and I can truly say I am happy being single. I can learn about God and serve him in so many more ways. He is the lover of my soul. How sweet is that?! I pray every one will to be content in every stage of their life. Its really an awesome feeling. = D

Hallelujah, Hallelujah Jesus!

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