Sunday, March 30, 2008

Jesus, Lover Of MY Soul

School starts tomorrow. wow. thats pretty crazy stuff.

I had the most amazing talk with a beautiful lady today. We spent about 2 hours just talking about God. You know how cool that is? It's pretty darn cool! It's so good to find someone who understands how I feel about my relationship with God and being single. It's like I almost don't want a guy cuz I know that would take away from my time with the Lord! It's so nice to know I am not a crazy person! well not too crazy anyways. I love the Lord sooo much. He is mine and I am his. It makes me happy!!! :D

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mrs. Robinson

Jesus Loves You More Than You Could Know

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Family Rocks

Man I love my cousin Mike(the one next to me). He is such a sweet heart! : ) To bad he is going back to Alaska. He's practical my only guy cousin my age. I want to go see him this summer. Pray Pray Pray !!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

God, which voice is yours?

It's pretty crazy how one little thing can cause so much trouble. Satan is so tricky, let me tell you. He knows how to get you where it hurts the most. Oh if only we as humans were not so selfish! We make it so easy for him by using the "what about me?" state of mind.

I think I got a glimpse of the jealously God feels for us. It was intense. It scared me more then anything I have ever felt before. But I needed it. God disciplined me. Oh My GOSH it hurt. hurt more then anything I could imagine, but it was good. God put me back where I should be. And I thank him for that.

I watched the passion of the Christ last night. Wow. The whole time I was thinking. This is how I think of it. Jesus is our husband yes? Ok. So there he is, loving me so much, that he would go through all of that just for me. Let me tell you when you look at it that way it makes a difference. I just keep thinking, I'm a slave to satan. I'm blinded by lies and told that this man is the enemy. I'm the one beating him, I'm the one yelling for his death. I killed him. Yet I don't know that he is my husband. He suffered and went through all this because he know that I would one day see the truth and would be free from satans grip. Man.......

Talk about a sobering movie. And to think that can't even come close to what he went through. Not only the physical stuff, but every sin of every soul was on him that day. He became sin, for me. Because he loved me. I get so gosh darn mad at myself sometimes. How easily do I forget? How often does my mind wander to things not of the Lord? I am just thankful for his grace.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

On Godly Relationships

This is an blip taken from the book I am reading called 'I kissed dating goodbye' by Joshua Harris. Here he talks about having godly relationships with the opposite sex. This is really neat!

I'm the oldest of seven kids in my family. I have five brothers and one sister. I love all my brothers, but little Sarah has a special place in my heart. There's an affection for her that's unique. My brothers understand and feel the same way about her. We want to protect her and care for her. She's our sister, and that means something very precious.
This is what Paul was getting at when he instructed Timothy to treat the younger women as sisters. Ladies, the reverse is true for you: God wants you to view the younger men as brothers. Totally separate from romantic interest and dating. We're to care deeply about each other. In another place Paul describes more of what this looks like: "Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other" (Romans 12:10, NLT).
Do you have this kind of godly affection for brothers and sisters? Do you pray for them? Do you look for ways to encourage them in their walk with God? Do you delight in honoring them? One of the small groups in my church comprised of single men and women has done a great job of fostering this kind of environment. On one occasion the men in the group planned a special dinner for the ladies, served all the food, and even had special gifts for each girl. After the meal the men shared reasons why they respected and valued the friendship of each girl. This is genuine affection!
It's important to be consistent--don't show kindness only to those people you have a romantic interest in. Instead show kindness to all your brothers and sisters. This isn't flirting for the purpose of stirring romantic interest in someone; it's showing Christlike brotherly love.

Side by Side:

Gentlemen, are you the kind of friend to the girls in your life that you will one day hear from their husbands, "thank you for being a brother to my wife"? Ladies, do you relate you your guy friends in a way that would make their future wives want to seek you out and thank you for being a sister to their husbands?
When we're single, we can become obsessed with the questions of how we're going to get to know our future husband or wife. "how do we have the friendship we need in order to one day get married?"
It's not wrong to ask these questions, but I think we need to see that an even more important question is, "How can I start being the kind of friend to the opposite sex that they need?" We need to take our focus off of ourselves and look for ways to serve those around us.
God wants us to neither run from each other nor use each other in an indulgent pursuit of short-term romance. He's calling us to be firmly committed to biblical friendships. In brother-sister relationships, men and women spur each other on to godliness- they stand against wickedness together, they seek God together, they honor one another and grow in grace side by side.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

wow, I really need to get out more. Poo on the media.

School starts soon!!! YAY!!!!

night ya'll

I wanna set the world on fire

I hold this song close to my heart. It holds more meaning for me then most I think. It makes me smile.

Set The World On Fire
Britt Nicole

I wanna set the world on fire
Until it’s burning bright for You
It’s everything that I desire
Can I be the one You use?

I, I am small but
You, You are big enough
I, I am weak but
You, You are strong enough to
Take my dreams
Come and give them wings
Lord with You There’s nothing I can not do
Nothing I cannot do

I wanna feed the hungry children
And reach across the farthest land
And tell the broken there is healing
And mercy in the Father’s hands

My hands my feet
My everything
My life, my love Lord, use me

I wanna set the world on fire
I wanna set the world on fire, yeah

I’m gonna set the world on fire
Set the world on fire

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Lowest High

Is it just me, or dose it always seem like satan attacts you more right after you come back from an amazing time with the Lord. These past couple of days I have been so overjoyed with the Lord and then today, well today was off.

I still have the Lords peace. It’s amazing his Love. I took my eyes off him today. I did for a slight moment, and I started sinking. Maybe tomorrow I will be walking on the water again. We will see. The amazing thing about that story, even when Peter was sinking, Jesus never let his head go below the water.

Some days I feel like I just don’t fit. That I just don’t belong anywhere. Hum, I always seem to be the odd one out. Curse my shy nature. Ah don’t worry about me. Like I said, today is just off. Sometimes my lymes can act up real bad and make me all depressed and stuff. It’s not always that fun. But I’m loved by the Lord. Thats the most amazing feeling in the world. And that’s all that counts.

On an up note, the Germany trip was announced yesterday. Oh my GOSH! I want to go. I have been feeling pulled that way for sometime now. Not Germany specifically, but to eastern Europe, or where ever it is located. Was God preparing me? I have no idea. It would be so cool to go see Harold again. It’s been a long time. I wonder if he even remembers me. We shall see. Much prayer is ahead.

A new season of my life unfolds...

Well I wrote this last night, but I desided to put on her to!

Wow, God has blessed me....beyond words. He has giving me the most amazing group of friends I could ever dream of. For the first time in a long time....I feel like I belong. I know seasons come and go, but I’m just loving this season! My life has been sooo hard these past couple of weeks its amazing to just get away from it and bask in the glory of the Lord. I’m just happy. Plan and simple. I’m really happy. Its pretty cool!

I can’t even express just the peace I have. Sure things are not that peachy, but really it’s ok. My health is acting up and my family issues are getting to me again, but wow God is showing me sooo much. I just need to keep my eyes on him and everything falls into place and is good. It’s like this song I am listing to. It makes me cry, not a bad cry, but a cry of ’Wow God, how can you be so good to me?!’

Rain or shine, things are good. Kinda like Oregon. hehe, I love this state. Rain or shine, it shows God’s creativity. He is the most amazing artist I could even dream of. Just to sit and watch his work play out is breathtaking. Like the other day, it was all stormy and yucky outside, but the sky was a beautiful shade of purple. I can’t even describe it. It was God reminding me of his love and that he can bring beauty in anything! I am stocked for this summer. I can’t wait to go hiking, go to the beach, road trips and for my other best friend to come home......HANNAH!!! lol

The Lord has been showing me this year how to be single and content. I can’t express it, but I love my single life. I can’t wait to get married and do couple things but I’m not ready just yet. There is a season for everything and I can truly say I am happy being single. I can learn about God and serve him in so many more ways. He is the lover of my soul. How sweet is that?! I pray every one will to be content in every stage of their life. Its really an awesome feeling. = D

Hallelujah, Hallelujah Jesus!


Well I guess I should start writting agian. I just want to share what God has done for me. Its amazing. And well I guess writting is a good way to do it. Everyone says I'm a good writer. I guess you will find out then huh.

This blog will be random posts about my life. And I will probably forget that I even have it quite a few times. I always seem to do that. I could never keep a journal for very long.

I just pray you can see the Lord in my life. If not, slap me a few times till I get back into shape.