Saturday, March 22, 2008

God, which voice is yours?

It's pretty crazy how one little thing can cause so much trouble. Satan is so tricky, let me tell you. He knows how to get you where it hurts the most. Oh if only we as humans were not so selfish! We make it so easy for him by using the "what about me?" state of mind.

I think I got a glimpse of the jealously God feels for us. It was intense. It scared me more then anything I have ever felt before. But I needed it. God disciplined me. Oh My GOSH it hurt. hurt more then anything I could imagine, but it was good. God put me back where I should be. And I thank him for that.

I watched the passion of the Christ last night. Wow. The whole time I was thinking. This is how I think of it. Jesus is our husband yes? Ok. So there he is, loving me so much, that he would go through all of that just for me. Let me tell you when you look at it that way it makes a difference. I just keep thinking, I'm a slave to satan. I'm blinded by lies and told that this man is the enemy. I'm the one beating him, I'm the one yelling for his death. I killed him. Yet I don't know that he is my husband. He suffered and went through all this because he know that I would one day see the truth and would be free from satans grip. Man.......

Talk about a sobering movie. And to think that can't even come close to what he went through. Not only the physical stuff, but every sin of every soul was on him that day. He became sin, for me. Because he loved me. I get so gosh darn mad at myself sometimes. How easily do I forget? How often does my mind wander to things not of the Lord? I am just thankful for his grace.

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