Monday, October 26, 2009

My One Heart

"If only my one heart
Was all you'd gain from all it cost
Well I know you would have still been a man
With a reason
To willingly offer your life" - From 'Sea Of Faces 'by Kutless

I heard this song on the radio the other day. It's one of those songs that I know all the words to by heart. Yet I never truly knew the words. I was sitting quite in my car listening to this song as I was driving home. I was truly listening to the words this time. When I heard those lines, it awoke something deep inside me. I don't think we could ever truly grasp what the Lord did for us by laying down his life. Even if I was the only one who was saved by what he did, he would have still done it. That's how much he loves me. Even if YOU where the only one who was saved by what he did, he would have still done it. He loves YOU that much.

So often we go about our busy lives and forget this simple truth. It's one thing knowing that he died for me, for you, for all your christian friends, but its another to know that he died for people you hate. People who you might believe have no reason to be loved. The bible tells us that Jesus came for All mankind. That means he died for the terrorist who crashed the plane on 9/11, he died for serial killers and people who worship satan. And he would have died for them even if they where the only ones saved. Now I'm not saying that what these people do is right, what I am saying is Jesus loves them just the same as he loves me and just the same as he loves you. I am talking to myself as much as anyone else. I to often forget this.

In the truth project Dr. Del Tackett talks about how we should view non-Christians as 'prisoners of war'. This was an eye opener for me. I always knew that Christ loved all, and that we are called to tell others about the good news of Christ, but I would view the people I didn't like as the enemy. That I had to try and convince the enemy to change sides. But seeing them as POW's makes me view them so different. Instead of fighting them, we are supposed to show them how to be rescued, how to be saved in Christ Jesus. Most do not even know that they have been taken by the enemy. They are meant to be on our side but satan has blinded their eyes. In Luke 23:34 Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do."

Most Christan's pray for the Lord to come quickly, but I would challenge you to pray that he would hold out just one more day. The bible says in 2 Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." One more day that one more soul might be saved. I understand both sides of this. Yes I want to go home. I want to be with my Lord in perfect peace where there is no more tears, no more pain. But I also long for those who are going to hell. Its easy for us to pray for those we love. Our family, friends, co-workers, but the Lord wants not ONE to perish. I urge you to pray for the drug dealers, the prostitutes and the murders. Not that they would go unpunished, but that they would find repentance in Christ Jesus. Pray for him to hold out just one more day. Just one more, for that one soul can be saved.

The song said "If only my one heart was all you'd gain from all it cost, well I know you would have still been a man with a reason to willingly offer your life" What if that one heart belonged to the murder, the gang-banger, or the Neo-Nazi? Would we still want to pray for the Lord to hold out one more day? I challenge you to not just pray these things because it's the right thing to do, but because you truly wish for all to be saved. Don't just sit around at pray for them to find repentance, but get out and show them his love as well. Christ went to the broken, to the outcasts and showed them his love. We are called to do the same. In the end, it is their choice, but I know that in my heart I need to be at peace that I did what I could to show them his love. Even if that just means living a Godly life for all to see. Not all are called to be missionaries, but all are called to evangelize in whatever way that might be. I pray that the Lord would give you HIS heart for the lost, and HIS strength to reach beyond your comfort zone to those who are hurting.

Thank you Jesus for dieing for me. Thank you for dieing for the world. Thank you so very much that you care about each and every person. That you see us as our own and love everyone individually. And I would ask that you would forgive us of those times we so often forget this. I pray that everything I have written came from you and not from me. Please open our eyes and open our hearts to your love. Praise you Jesus.

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